Shipping & Returns 

Where do you ship?

We ship via FedEx 2-Day Express and FedEx Ground within the 48 contiguous United States.We do not ship to Alaska, Hawaii, U.S. Unincorporated Territories, or internationally. We do not ship to PO boxes or FPO or APO addresses.

How do I know you received my order?

After you submit an order you will receive a confirmation email with the order details, including your order number. Please review the information to ensure it is correct. You will receive another email with the tracking number after your order has shipped.

What if I entered the wrong shipping address?

Please notify us immediately if you notice an error in the shipping address. We can update the shipping address if your order has not yet shipped. If the order has left our facility, there will be an additional charge of $25 to modify or redirect the shipment. We will not refund or replace orders that were not delivered as scheduled due to an incorrect address.

How is my order packed?

We use plastic containers for shipping. Our containers are hand-packed and we seal the tops to prevent leakage. We pack all orders with the freshest products available. Also, we use insulated bags and cold packs to preserve the freshness during transit.

Note: Products should be refrigerated as soon as possible after arrival.

When will my order ship?

Orders are processed and shipped Monday – Wednesday, excluding U.S. federal holidays. We will ship Thursday if you select Next Day delivery or 2-Day Saturday Home Delivery. Please

Note – if your order is received after the 3:00pm ET shipping cut-off time, it will be processed the following business day.

How much is shipping?

The shipping cost is calculated at checkout, based on the items in your order (for 2 Day Express) and the delivery address (for FedEx Ground).

What if I’m not home when my order arrives?

We do not require a signature for delivery. Picklelicious is not responsible for lost or stolen packages, or orders placed with an incorrect address. If you send a gift, please tell the recipient to expect the delivery. If a delivery is refused or is otherwise undeliverable, you will have to place and pay for a new order.

What happens if my delivery is delayed?

Picklelicious is not responsible for packages that are delayed due to carrier issues or inclement weather. However, we do our best to track potential weather conditions that could affect delivery of your order. If your order arrives late and is perished (usually, only Half Sours), you must file a claim on your own behalf with FedEx.

What if an item arrives damaged?

Any damaged product must be reported to within 2 days of receiving your order. We would appreciate photos of damage via email for our records. After receipt of your email, we may either replace the product or refund your form of payment. Product damage reported after 2 days is not eligible for replacement or refund. We do not refund the shipping fee.

NOTE: If shipping fees increase significantly, we reserve the right to only issue a refund and not ship a replacement product.

Can I return my order?

We do not accept returns of perishable items, but we stand behind our products 100%. If there is a problem with the quality of a product, please contact us within 2 days of receiving your order at or (201) 457-0500. As the taste of pickled products is subjective, we do not refund or replace items that are not to your liking, for example - too soft, too crunchy, too spicy, not spicy enough, etc.